Active Birth Unit
Mowbray Maternity Hospital, Cape Town
The ABU has a number of warm spacious rooms, each with a double bed, big bath, soft lighting (with dimmers), CD player, air-conditioning and appropriately decorated to make it a homely environment.
Active Birth: "Active birth enables a labouring woman to respond naturally and instinctively to her birthing process and to make appropriate choices. Women are encouraged to remain mobile and upright and to adopt the position of their choice during labour and birth and unnecessary restrictions and procedures are minimised. Fundamentally it is an attitude of respect and support for the labouring woman and her family."
The mission of the ABU: The Active Birth Unit aims to offer the highest quality of care during birth to women with normal healthy pregnancies, based on the best evidence available.
Midwives Inc. - 021 465 0346
Birth Options - 021 762 4138
Birthrite - 021 447 4143
Individual practice
Download the pre-registration form here
See the email announcement posted to GPs in the Western Cape
Cape Times news - Dec 24, 2002
The Active Birth Unit (ABU) is now a Cape Town option for natural childbirth. This is a managed, safe and comfortable environment for active labouring. If you are not aware of active or natural childbirth please do consult a midwife (some listed below).
This website is dedicated to Joy McPherson, a midwife who was instrumental in establishing the ABU in Cape Town. Joy passed away on Saturday, October 13, 2007 after a short and severe illness. We all love and miss her.